All our guides have years of experience guiding in glaciated mountain terrain both here in Alaska and abroad. Before heading out you will be outfitted and trained to use the basic back country safety gear. Prior to heading out each person will be required to have a transceiver, pack with probe and shovel, and wear a harness, and demonstrate how to use them in an emergency scenario. You will also complete an avalanche safety briefing, and a helicopter, snowcat, or snowmobile safety briefing.
Because of our commitment to safety we provide the following Backcountry Access (BCA) avalanche safety gear for all our heli-skiing clients.
Transceiver…put it on, turn it on. If snowmobiling your pack must be worn on your person…not on your sled. While in the field, we are continuously educating our guests and clients on Avalanche Safety and Hazard, and safe practices for traveling in glaciated and mountainous terrain.
Communication between the clients and guides is essential. You will have constant radio contact with your guide while out in the field. Ultimately, it is up to the guide to determine the safest routes and runs, and we rely on their expertise and knowledge of the snowpack and surrounding terrain to make those decisions. We want you to have fun! Through training, communication, and awareness we can all enjoy a safe and memorable experience!
Our pilots also have thousands of hours and years of experience flying in technical mountain terrain. And, our Snowmobile and Snowcat Operators have thousands of hours and years of experience operating snowmobiles, snowcats, and other heavy equipment, and are highly proficient in their safe operation.
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